Masturbation During the age of 12-15 yr, a teenager enters the youth. Testosterone hormones are speedily formed in the body and the Youngman feels sexually excitement or arousal several times a day. That is the reason why 99 out of hundred boys indulge in masturbation. If one exception out of hundred does not do so it means he is either mentally retard or his brain is not yet fully developed.
The greatest thing is that whatever one does in secret for the fear of social taboos, it begins to hang heavy on his mind. Right from his childhood, he is taught that sex is dirty, sex is a sin or it is such a misdeed that should be never revealed to anyone. All this effects adversely the mind of the doer and when he thinks about it after having finished with masturbation or when he gets half-baked bit of information from his friend, he feels more and more troubled.
The more he thinks about it the more he fears his evil deeds and wrong doings that he has been indulging in since childhood. Daily he comes across such ads that point out these childhood mistakes and aberrations, and make him aware of the bad company, he has had as a result of which he feels he has destroyed his life with his own hands.
He also realizes that he is now unable to consummate a marriage due to weakening or slackening of the nerves. Such ads certainly affect the minds of the youths who think that they too have been indulging in all this.
Then they become afflicted with inferiority complex and easily fall prey to the designs of greedy doctors without being ill actually. They continue to be afraid. In fact excess of every thing is bad.
A youth thinks that he is himself responsible for the disaster in his life on account of his evil deeds. When he comes to know that almost everyone does often does it, he feels relaxed. Once the semen begins to be formed in body, it continues to permeate the body as long as man lives.
- Masturbation does not make sperm less or nil.
- Masturbation doe not weaken the nerves
- If the penis washed with water after masturbation, the nerves do not get weakened.
- Masturbation does not result in shortening of the penis nor does it get bent or crooked. One feels so due to the misleading ads or rumors spread by greedy doctors.
- Masturbation does not make the semen thinner. In fact it is thinned an account of too much use of spicy hot things in food.
- Many cheats do the propaganda that early discharge, masturbation and nocturnal emission are responsible for the birth of female child. All this is utterly nonsense.