Noctural Emmision :- It is quite common for the youth of 14 to21 year of age to have 2-4 nocturnal discharges a month, in fact it is the apprehensions worries and the fears that add to the disease. Remaining always lost in colorful fantasies watching adult films, reading pornographic literature, gossiping among friends about sexy topics all this, and whatever indecent things we see during the day appear or re-emerge in our dreams at night and thus these become responsible for the nocturnal discharges. In addition to this, the exaggerated advertisement also not only creates fear in his mind but misguide and mislead him too.
Following are some of the symptoms of the disease:
- infection of the urine and semen: both should be got checked.
- Phimosis : lack of flexibility in the covering skin of penis. It does not get back.
- infection diseases born out of illicit relation or sexual relation with prostitutes.
- Homosexuality: due to masturbation or unnatural sex.
- Nocturnal emission after marriage occur due to leucorrhoea to wife. Infection caused by female genitals.
- suppressing sexual urges or getting lost in the sex related fantasies all the time.
- this disease should be treated well as early as possible so that the patient leads a tension free life.