Rapid Ejaculation

Rapid Ejaculation :- The roadside literature and pornographic blue films misguide the youth. Even a health youth begins to consider him self a patient of rapid ejaculation. He reads that a sexual intercourse must take at least half an hour or more to complete, but in reality or according to medical science it gets finished within 3 to 5 minutes, and the couple really feel completely satisfied. Exceptionally speaking it may take a little more or less time sometimes.

Very often while gossiping among friends on sexual topics, a young man starts thinking that he is deficient as an imperfect performer. For example whom some one boasts that he enjoys two intercourses a day or he can prolong up to 25 minutes. No one consider himself any less achiever because this becomes the proof of his manliness.

Such a useless or absurd boasting creates disturbing ripples in the mind of his friends, who blindly begin to believe in what he says or boasts and then compare themselves with that liar. This gives rise to apprehensions which are responsible for tensions. further tensions leads to Self-Esteem, and the man has already become a patient. He has turned his normally good life into a hell because he has lent his believing ears as the useless hearsay. He is all the time beset with unnecessary worries. The more he thinks, the more he gets entangled in his worries. He does not want to talk to anyone and thus the problem remains unsolved. If there is a tricky problem , it must be resolved soon or else these little issues may result in big disasters.

During sexual intercourse if there are early emissions or seminal discharge the disease is called rapid ejaculation. A man afflicted with this disease neither gets satisfied himself nor he able to satisfy his wife. As a result his family life gets adversely affected as also his mental condition, his anxious mind is always lost in these thoughts. Such a person is likely to get angry over trifles lose interest in any piece of work have absurd thoughts, pick up quarrels with family-members without any reason, remain sad most of the time, lose not only his memory but also sleep, lack all interest any thing or anyone, consider wife to be an frigid ice block, avoid sexual intercourse on some pretext or the other, and regard himself to be underdog all the time. When inferiority complex in such a person assumes alarming dimensions, the disease goes on increasing fast.

Every night he thinks that the disease will automatically vanish, but instead, it goes on increasing. And many a time the relationship gets to the verge of total break. This disease breeds frustration among women also and they remain mentally troubled all the time. But one must not fear such diseases, instead he should get himself treated by an able doctor. Even if the treatment is of long duration, it should be preferred. In this connection, some medical test should also be undergone, if necessary, so that the disease is permanently cured. In the initial stage of impotency the seminal discharge is the very first stepping stone of the later serious disease. Sexual impotency is like moth or termite that eats into the conjugal joy and destroys the family life, rendering it completely hollow.

About 50% to 60% of the youth in the present day world are in the grip of this disease of rapid ejaculation. But they are wallowing in ignorance being completely ignorant of the pitiable condition of their wives. They take pleasure out of early emissions and feel satisfied with the condition, assuming that their wife also is deriving the same amount of pleasure or delight out of it. Whereas, reality, she is left totally dissatisfied

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